Faculty Members & Research Interests

Research Interests: Sports and Biomedical Engineering, Microwave Absorption, RF & Microwave Devices and Circuits, Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensors, Superconducting Thin Films

Dr. Abdul Khaleque

Research Interests: Optical Fiber Devices Nano-antennas & Integrated Optics Nanophotonics Optical Modulators Fiber Laser (Q-switching) Plasmonic / Perovskite Solar Cells Metamaterial Absorbers for Solar Cell Application
Research Interests: Microwave Photonics Intregrated Optics Photonics Techniques for mm-wave and THz signal generation Optoelectronic Oscillator Hollow-core fiber for THz application Radio over fiber link
Research Interests: Hydrogen generation (Water Splitting) using Photoelectrochemical Cell. Water and Air purification by using Nanomaterials Assembling Perovskite and Dye-sensitized Solar Cells with Low-Cost materials. Fabrication of Nanostructured Metal-oxide p-type or n-type materials.

Dr. Md. Masud Rana

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence Computational Electromagnetics SPR Biosensor Microwave Imaging Antenna & Propagation FDTD Theory and Applications Bioelectromagnetics
Research Interests:
Research Interests: Smart Grid, Renewable (Wind, Wave & Solar) Energy Facts and Energy Storage Devices Stability Augmentation Technique(s) Sizing of Energy Storage Devices Load Frequency Control
Research Interests: Metamaterial Plasmonics Nanophotonics Photonic crystal Fibre
Research Interests: Smart Antennas Antenna Array Signal Processing Electromagnetic Compatibility Biomedical Signal Processing Radar and Satellite Communication
Research Interests: Renewable Energy Resources, Solar Cells, Thin Flim Engineering, Nanotechnology.
Research Interests: Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing: Theory and Applications for ICT Photonics: Theoretical Design of devices for ICT Power System Research: Energy quality enhancement, Planning, Operation & Control Biomedical Engineering: Non-invasive technology, Efficient Filter Design & Theoretical Design of Photonic Sensors Wireless Communication: Security Analysis Machine Learning: Application in Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Md. Sohel Rana

Research Interests: Control Theory and Control Applications Nanopositioning Mechatronics Renewable Energy Integrations
Research Interests: Security in Cognitive Radio Networks and Multicasting Interference Alignment for MIMO Channels Convex Optimization and Cross-layer Optimization Random Matrix Theory and Compressed Sensing Multi-user, Multi-cell and Massive MIMO Systems Interference Coordination in Cellular Networks Random Coding Error Exponent for MIMO Channels Lightning Induced Electromagnetic Field
Research Interests: High Voltage Engineering Renewable Energy Industrial Electronics

Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Research Interests: Nonlinear optics, Optical device, Wireless communication
Research Interests: Optical Fiber Design and Optimization Photonics in green energy technologies Advanced Optical Fiber Systems

Dr. Abu Sadat Md. Sayem

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Flexible Antennas Optically Transparent Antennas Reconfigurable Antennas In-Antenna Power Combining Antennas for Biomedical Applications Metamaterials

Dr. Jishan-E-Giti

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Physical layer security Wireless Communications IoT and smart cities Telecommunications

Dr. Sumaiya Kabir

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Microelectronic Sensors and Devices Micro-/Nano Fabrication Flexible Electronics Optoelectronic Sensors and Devices Nanotechnology AI in Electronics

Alok Kumar Paul

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: VLSI, Electronic Devices Power Electronics and Green Energy Optical plasmonic devices Optical Fiber (Photonic Crystals) Design and Optimization

Belal Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: SPR Biosensor

Dr. Mohammod Abdul Motin

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biomedical Signal Processing Statistical Signal Processing and Machine Learning Non-linear Signal Decomposition Machine Learning in Healthcare Wearable Devices for Healthcare Monitoring

kamrun nahar shushama

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biosensor Design Biosensing Antenna Design

Kusum Tara

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biomedical Engineering Biomedical signal processing Design of wireless medical devices Machine learning Power Electronics NEMS

Md Firoz Mahmud

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Md Mayenul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biomedical Signal Processing Machine Learning Deep Learning Wearable Healthcare Device

Md. Abdul Malek

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Power Electronics

Md. Ahasan Habib

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Arafat Rahman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Fiber Optic Sensor Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Hollow Core Fiber Sensor Permanent Magnet based High Frequency Transformer 2D & 3D Rotating Machinery Design and Optimization Electromagnetic Energy Conversion Linear Synchronous Generator and Motor Application Specific Machine Design & Optimization

Md. Farhamdur Reza

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Smart Antennas Antennas and RADAR Systems Wireless Communication

Md. Ilias Rahman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Mahmudul Hasan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Intelligent Control Systems Metaheuristic Optimizations Renewable Energy Integration

Md. Mamunur Rashid

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Power System Robust Broadband Beamforming Embedded System

Md. Nuhi-Alamin

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biomedical Signal Processing Deep Learning

Md. Rashidul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Power System Stability Renewable Energy Control Theory and Applications Smart Grid Cybersecurity

Md. Razon Chowdhury

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Power Electronics Model Predictive Control Renewable Energy Grid Integration Microgrid (AC, DC, and Hybrid AC/DC) Multi-level Converter Grid-forming Inverter

Md. Ruhul Amin Ratul

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Sarwar Hosen

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Hollow-core Antiresonant Fiber, Photonic Crystal Fiber, Electro-optic Modulator Control Theory and Applications

Md. Tarek Hossein

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: NanoTechnology Broadband Antenna Array Antennas & Propagation Smart Grid, Renewable Energy

Reefat Inum

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Antenna Design Biosensor Design Lab-on -Chip systems Biosensing

Sarjana Shabab

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Physical Layer Security Information Theoretic Security over Fading Channels Cooperative Radio Networks Wireless Communication

Shadhon Chandra Mohonta

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biomedical Signal Processing Sports & Biomechanics Machine Learning Biomedical Engineering Wearable Bio-sensing Devices

Sohani Munteha Hiam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biomedical Engineering & Signal Processing Fiber-Optic Communication

Subarto Kumar Ghosh

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Control of Power Converters in Microgrids Renewable Energy Grid Integration Control Theory & Applications FACTS Controllers Power System Stability, Dynamic and Control Control of nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics

Sunjidah Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Asif Zaman Rizve

Research Interests: Physical Layer Security Wireless Communication Security Information Theoretic Security over Fading Channels

Md. Ariful Islam

Research Interests: Antenna & Propagation

Sakib Hossen

Research Interests: Nanotechnology Photovoltaics

Sushanto Bosak

Research Interests: Power System Integration of Hydrogen Technologies Control Theory and Applications Energy Storage Devices
Research Interests:

Research Interests: Data Privacy Data Mining Social Data Analysis Cyber Security
Research Interests: Computer Network and Security Medical Image Processing Computer Vision Health Informatics Bioinformatics Deep Learning Machine Learning
Research Interests: 1. Algorithm & Data Structure, Optimization 2. FPGA & GPU based Parallel Computing, Computer Architecture, Embedded System Design 3. ML, AI, DIP, DSP, Microprocessor & Assembly Language 4. Computer Networks and Data Communications
Research Interests:
Research Interests: Geographical Information System Cyber Security Machine Learning Route Optimization Data Mining
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Evolutionary Algorithms Data Mining
Research Interests: Remote Sensing: Hyperspectral Image Classification, Image Compression and Change Detection. Digital Signal Processing: Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Computer Networks and Data Communication. Microprocessor Based System Design. Computer Vision: Image Classification, Objects Recognition. Feature Extraction and Nonlinear Image Classification.
Research Interests: Satellite Image Mining: Image Compression, Change Detection, Prediction and Forecasting, Adaptive Linear and Non-linear Modelling, Remote Sensed Image Interpretation and Symbolic Representation of Image Contents, Visualization and Model Generation for Handling Complex Data Set. Computer Vision & AI: Pattern Recognition and Image Classification, Objects Recognition. Feature Extraction and Nonlinear Image Classification. Machine Learning & Data Mining
Research Interests: Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Machine Learning and Medical Image Analysis Remote Sensing and Hyperspectral Image Analysis Data Fusion and Feature Extraction from High Dimensional Image Bigdata, Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Classification

Dr. Md. Arafat Hossain

Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Rizoan Toufiq

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Digital Image Processing Machine Learning Pattern Recognition Classifier Fusion Techniques Artificial intelligence Video Coding

Shyla Afroge

Associate Professor
Research Interests:

A. F. M. Minhazur Rahman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Computer Vision Deep Learning Image Segmentation

Abu Sayeed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Remote Sensing Machine Learning Deep Learning GAIT Recognition Medical Image Processing Human Computer Interaction

Barshon Sen

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Generative Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning

Biprodip Pal

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Probabilistic Machine Learning Decentralized Machine Learning Reliable Deep Learning

Emrana Kabir Hashi

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Deep Learning Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Vehicle Routing Problem

Firoz Mahmud

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Julia Rahman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: IoT Machine Learning Bioinformatics Water Quality Prediction

Mahit Kumar Paul

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) Class Imbalance Learning Machine Learning Data Mining Data Privacy Federated Learning Cybersecurity

Md. Asifur Rahman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Reinforcement Learning Generative Adversarial Network Formal Method AI Safety

Md. Azmain Yakin Srizon

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Deep Learning Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Bioinformatics Machine Learning Biomedical Transfer Learning Digital Image Processing

Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Deep Learning Biomedical Imaging Biomedical Signal Processing Machine Learning

Md. Zahirul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Video Coding for Machines (VCM) Video Compression Visual Signal Processing/Communication

Mohiuddin Ahmed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Deep Learning Digital Image Processing Biometrics Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Medical Image Analysis

Mumu Aktar

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Nahin Ul Sadad

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Computer Architecture Parallel Processing Compiler Design Machine Learning

S. M. Mahedy Hasan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Machine Learning Explainable Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision Deep Learning Pedagogy

Sadia Zaman Mishu

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Remote Sensing Image Analysis Machine Learning Natural Language Processing

Suhrid Shakhar Ghosh

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Hyperspectral Image Processing Machine Learning Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Syed Tauhid Zuhori

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Farjana Parvin

Research Interests: Medical Image Processing Machine Learning Deep Learning Computer Vision

Md Rakibul Haque

Research Interests: Hyperspectral Imaging/ Remote Sensing Natural Language Processing Biomedical Imaging Bioinformatics Deep Neural Network Architecture Design
Research Interests: Digital Image Processing Deep Learning Satellite Image Processing
Research Interests: Bioinformatics Machine Learning
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning Medical Image Analysis Human-Computer Interaction Computer Vision
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning FPGA Network Security

S.M. Shovan

Research Interests: Bioinformatics Machine learning Deep Learning

Tasmia Jannat

Research Interests: Hyperspectral Image Processing Deep Learning Machine Learning Transfer Learning

Utsha Das

Research Interests: Machine Learning Data Mining Health Informatics Bioinformatics

Research Interests: 5G/6G Wireless Communication Systems Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Block chain Technologies. Millimeter Wave, Tera Hertz Communication, Massive MIMO, D2D Communication, Cloud-RAN Internet of Things, Mobile Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Cloud Computing MANET, VANET, UAV PHY/MAC Layer, Open RAN (O-RAN), RAN Controller, SD-RAN Expertise on Design, Mathematical Modeling, Optimization, Algorithms, and Simulation.
Research Interests: RF Circuits Design Design and Implementation of Antennas Energy Harvesting Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Power Electronics and Drives Renewable Energy
Research Interests: Digital Microfluidics Drug Deliver System Nano-technology Lab-on-a-chip Wireless Communication Antennas and Propagations
Research Interests: Deep Learning Machine Vision Computer Vision Underwater Communication

Dr. Tushar Kanti Roy

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Dynamical modeling of power systems Robust adaptive control of conventional power systems Nonlinear control of autonomous electric vehicles for power system applications Robust adaptive control of modern power systems (with photovoltaic and wind generators) Robust control of hybrid AC/DC microgrids Applications of nonlinear control theories in power systems Application of machine learning in nonlinear control theories Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Load Frequency Control Incorporating Electric Vehicles in Larger Power Systems

Md Rabiul Hasan

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Dielectric nanoantennas Plasmonics Optical tweezers Waveguide modeling and simulation

A. S. M. Badrudduza

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Information-theoretic security of wireless multicast and cooperative networks Free space and underwater optical wireless communication Machine learning in wireless communication Reflecting intelligent surfaces Unmanned aerial vehicle networks

Farzana Akter

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Renewable energies. Control Engineering Machine learning

Hasan Sarker

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Optical Fiber and Bio Sensor


Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Aslam Mollah

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Photonic Crystal Fiber, Fiber sensor, Plasmonics, Surface Plasmon Resonance, Antiresonant Fiber, Negative Curvature Hollow Core Fiber

Md. Rakib Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Computer Generated Holography [CGH] Encryption Algorithms Digital Image Processing Machine Learning (ML) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deep Learning Computer Vision 3D, 8D & 9D Imaging

Md. Yeakub Ali

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Antenna Array Signal Processing. Wireless communication Beamforming in 5G Wireless Communication mmWave communication

Sham Datto

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Renewable Energy Antennas & Propagation Thin Film & Nanotechnology

Shuvra Prokash Biswas

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Microcontroller & Embedded System Renewable Energy Smart Grid Power System Stability & Control Power Quality Electrical Machines & Drives Power Electronics
Research Interests: Metamaterial Internet of Things(IoT) Microcontroller & Embedded System Machine Learning

Md. Tarek Hassan

Research Interests: Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Wireless Communication (5G, 6G) Edge Computing Integrated Communication and Sensing (ISAC) Reconfigurable Intelligence Surface (RIS) Radio Resource Management (RRM) Millimeter Wave (mmWave) Communication

Sharaf Tasnim

Research Interests:

Abdul Matin

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Deep Learning Big Data Analytics

Fariya Tabassum

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Power system stability, control and security Renewable energy Optimal control Smart grid Security of smart grid Artificial Intelligence

Hafsa Binte Kibria

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Machine Learning Data Science Explainable AI (XAI) Image Classification

Md. Abu Hanif Pramanik

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Applications of nonlinear control theories in power systems Dynamical modeling of power systems Renewable Energy Systems HVDC

Md. Habibur Rahaman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Micro-grid Renewable Energy Systems Power Systems Control Systems Industrial Alarm Management and Monitoring Fault Detection and Diagnosis

Md. Mahabubur Rahman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Sensor and biosensor technology Photonics Optical Fiber Technology

Md. Nahiduzzaman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Medical Image Analysis Machine Learning Deep Learning Object Detection and Classification

Md. Omaer Faruq Goni

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Smart Grid Machine Learning Power System Deep Neural Network

Md. Robiul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Deep Learning Medical Imaging Computer Vision

Milton Kumar Kundu

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Security in Wireless Communication

Oishi Jyoti

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Metamaterial Internet of Things(IoT) Deep Neural Network

Rakibul Hassan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Machine learning Artificial Intelligence Deep learning Fake online review detection High Performance Computing (HPC) Parallel Graph Algorithms

Sagor Chandro Bakchy

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Computer Vision and NLP.

Tasnim Binte Shawkat

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Internet of things (IoT) Optics & Photonics Metamaterials Fiber Optic Communication
Research Interests: Machine Learning Deep Learning Medical Image Processing Image Classification, Segmentation, Localization
Research Interests: Physical Layer Security (PLS) analysis in wireless communication Underwater communication Energy Harvesting in wireless communication

Department of Civil Engineering
Research Interests: Structural Dynamics, Nonlinear Vibration, High Performance Concrete
Research Interests: Water Quality Modelling, Management and Treatment; Water/stormwater treatment system design; Watershed modelling, hydrologic and hydraulic modelling; Wastewater recycling; Rainfall forecast modeling accounting climate change effect; Groundwater recharge assessment and groundwater contaminant transport modelling

Dr. H. M. Rasel

Research Interests: Water Resources Engineering Climate Change Impact Assessment Linear and Non-linear techniques in long-term rainfall forecasting modelling Artificial intelligence in water demand modelling Remote sensing and GIS in water resources Statistical / Stochastic Hydrology

Dr. Md. Abdul Alim

Research Interests: Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. Md. Abu Sayeed

Research Interests: Geotechnical Engineering Geo-transportation Engineering Transportation Engineering. Railway Engineering
Research Interests: Unsaturated soil mechanics, Soil-structure interaction, Advanced laboratory and field testing in Geotechnical Engineering, Subsoil exploration, Ground improvement, Shallow and deep foundations, Transportation Engineering
Research Interests: Energy-efficient Buildings & Passive Design Post Disaster Reconstruction & Shelter Design Climate Change Adaptation Indoor Thermal Comfort & Energy Conservation Architectural Engineering
Research Interests: Experimental soil mechanics, soil behavior, soil improvement.
Research Interests: Modeling Particulate Behavior Using DEM Micro-scale Behavior of Granular Materials Constitutive Modeling of Soil Stress Path Dependent Behavior (b-value) Exploring the Micro Characteristics of Granulate through Experiments Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Granular Media Numerical Analysis by FEM Slope Stability Analysis Soil-Structure Interaction Seepage Characteristics Modelling the Particulate Behavior Using MD Stabilization of Soil
Research Interests:
Research Interests: Durability of Concrete Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cl- penetration in Concrete Optimization of Maintenance Activity of Concrete Structure
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests: Structural Health Monitoring Sustainable Structure Risk Assessment Structural Retrofitting Disaster Management
Research Interests: Structural Dynamics & Control Earthquake Engineering Wind Engineering Structural Strengthening and Rehabilitation Cable Supported Structures ( Cable-stayed Bridge, Suspension Bridge, Transmission Line, etc.) Horizontally Curved Bridge Bridge-vehicle interaction
Research Interests: Structural Engineering Steel Structures Analysis and Design Strength of Materials FRP Strengthening Steel Structures and Concrete Structures Building Analysis & Design Cold-formed Steel Structures Thin-walled Structures Structural Stability Structural Analysis and Design Stainless Steel Structures Aluminium Structures Fire Resistance of Metal Structures

Dr. Bulbul Ahmed

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Structural Engineering Analysis and design of CFST Members Composite Structure Structural Dynamics and Vibration of Structures Structures Under Blast Actions Structural strengthening and rehabilitation Structural Health Monitoring Robustness of Structures Steel Structure Construction Management

Ahmed Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Highway Safety Time Series Analysis (TSA) Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA) Neural Network (NN)

Atika Hossain Akhi

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Fracture Mechanics, Fracture Parameters of Pipeline, Soil-pipe Interaction of Buried Pipe

G. M. Harun- Or- Rashid

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Structural Performance of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Elements under Static and Dynamic Loading

Keya Roy

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Intelligent Transportation System: Modelling and Optimization of Transportation Network

Mahmud Hasan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Structural Engineering

Md Masud Rana

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Pavement Engineering

Md. Mintu Miah

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Autonomous Vehicle Transportation Network Design, Operations and Management Transportation Planning Transportation Data Mining and Machine Learning Traffic Safety Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Driving Behavior Deep Learning Transportation Modeling


Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Miraz Ahamed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Structural Engineering Geotechnical Engineering

Mithun Chakrabartty

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Structural Engineering Use of Waste and Recycled Aggregate in Concrete

Zahidul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Laboratory testing of geomaterials. Modelling of geomaterials.

Briti Ray

Research Interests:
Research Interests: Intelligent Transportation System, Transportation Engineering.
Research Interests:

Md. Rafiul Islam

Research Interests:

Md. Sohel Rana

Research Interests: Structural Engineering
Research Interests:

Sumaya Tabassum

Research Interests:

Research Interests: Remote Sensing Geographic Information Science Water and Environmental Analysis Natural Hazard Assessment

Dr. Md. Abdul Wakil

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Community development Community resilience Environmental planning Tourism planning and development Urban planning

Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman

Associate Professor
Research Interests: GIS and Remote Sensing Cities and Climate Change Inclusive cities, Green Cities and Smart cities Sustainable Urban development Nature -based Solutions (Nbs)

Anutosh Das

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis, Mitigation and Adaptation Planning Natural Hazard & Disaster Risk Management Environmental Planning & Natural Resource Management Using Economic Policy Instruments Economic Geography Transportation Economics focusing Urban Congestion & Road Pricing Risk Sensitive Spatial Planning & Urban Land Use - Transportation Interaction Analysis Community and Environmental Conflict Management Health and the Built Environment Green Growth & Environmental Protection The Economics of Climate Change

Dulal Sarker

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Urban Planning. Water Resources planning and Management. Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Urban planning and Management . Environmental Science and Management.

Faria Afrin Zinia

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Application of GIS and Data Science in Sustainable Transportation Planning Transportation Policy and Planning Landuse-Transport interactions Travel Behavior and Mobility Pattern Transit Accessibility, Equity and Justice

Md. Sakib Zubayer

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Shakil Ar Salan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Environmental Planning Climate Change and Development Community Resilience Community Capitals

Muhaiminul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Environmental Studies & Disaster Management Application of Geo-informatics in Urban Planning

Muhammad Waresul Hassan Nipun

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Transport Planning Spatial Analysis Urban Planning & Management Development Planning & Management Housing & Community Development

Nazia Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Disaster management, Community planning at Urban Issues, Urban Planning

Sumita Roy

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Urban Planning Environmental Planning Environmental Economics Transportation Planning
Research Interests:

Jahid Hasan

Research Interests: Transportation Policy and Planning Application of GIS in Transportation Planning Integration of Public Transit and Active Transportation.
Research Interests: Urban growth management Climate change adaptation Application of GIS and RS in Urban Planning

Department of Architecture

Md. Asaduzzaman

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Urban Design and Landscape: Healthy Cities and Communities, Smart Cities, Sustainable Urban Mobility (TOD, POD, active transportation), Landscape Architecture, Water Sensitive Urban Design, Community Based Design, Public Space Planning and Design, Outdoor Thermal Comfort and Reducing Air Pollution. Housing and Human Settlement: Rural Planning and Design, Real State Development. Islamic Architecture and Urbanism. Health Care and Institutional Project's Planning and Design.

Md. Sabbir Ahsan

Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Nazmul Hoda

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Urban Design & Planning Sustainable Architecture & Green Building Features Housing & Rural Settlement Conservation & Digital Heritage

Md. Rafsun Jany

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Architectural Heritage & Conservation Urban Design and Landscape, Open Green Space Planning & Design Vernacular Architecture and Built form Transformation, Sustainable Architecture Architectural Graphics and Presentation

Md. Samiul Sabbir Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Urban Design: Community Based Design, Tactical Urbanism, Social Role of Urban Spaces Architectural Heritage, History and Architecture, Heritage of Bengal Graphic Design Emerging Hybrid Art forms, Digital Art, and Popular culture Culture, Human Behavior

Nadia Monzur

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Environmental Design and Sustainability Materiality and Construction Techniques for Environment Responsive Design Vernacular Architecture and Built form Transformation Place attachment and Placemaking concepts

Z H M Monjur Murshed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Bengal history, heritage & monument conservation Low cost & affordable housing for urban poor community Open green space planning & design Architectural graphics and presentation

Farjana Jesmin

Research Interests: Housing and Human Settlement Vernacular Architecture and Built form Transformation Sustainable Community Development


Research Interests:
Research Interests:

Sheikh Hameem

Research Interests:
Research Interests:

Aojoy kumar Shuvo

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Sustainable Construction Materials Fibre Reinforced Concrete Flexible Concrete Soil Stabilization

Ashadul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Finite Element Analysis Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Materials Torsion of RC Structures Repair/Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures

Faruque Abdullah

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Geothermal Cooling System Indoor Thermal Comfort & Energy Conservation Structural Health Monitoring Smart Building Technology

Md. Ashraful Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Structural and Material Engineering


Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Pavement Materials Concrete Concrete Pavement Sustainability Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System

Mehedi Hasan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: # Automation in Construction # Soil Structure Interaction # Construction Materials and Sustainability # Structural Engineering


Assistant Professor
Research Interests: SCC, BIM, VR, AR, MR, Digital Twin, IoT, ML in Construction, PPP and Project Finance

Shayla Sharmin

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nonlinear Analysis Finite Element Analysis Composite Materials Reinforced Concrete Structures Advanced Concrete Materials
Research Interests: Machine Learning Time Series Analysis Geotechnical Engineering Transportation Engineering
Research Interests: 1.Geo-thermal 2. Thermal Energy Storage system
Research Interests: Indoor Thermal Comfort & Energy-Efficient Building Design Sustainable Construction Materials Sustainable and Green Building Technology Construction Cost Control, Optimization and Scheduling
Research Interests: Asphalt Pavements Wastewater Recycling for Sustainable Use Sustainable Construction Materials Construction Project Management

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: • Renewable energy systems • Solar, wind, fuel cell, hybrid systems sizing and optimisation • Techno-enviro-economic assessment • Energy system modelling, simulation and optimisation • Energy and exergy analysis • Multi-scale modelling, trigeneration, and polygeneration • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of energy systems • Optimisation of hybrid power, CHP, and CCHP system • Alternative fuels
Research Interests: Thermofluid, Renewable Energy, Heat transfer
Research Interests: Active Vibration and Noise Control MagLev System Mechatronics Machinery Condition Monitoring Renewable Energy Energy Harvesting Machine Learning/AI
Research Interests: Ultrasonic Evaluation:Using SAM, SEM, AFM and high magnification optical microscope. Composite material for automobile and high temperature application Solar cell material simulation and fabrication Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) material for clean energy generation
Research Interests: Bio-Medical Engineering Cognitive Vision and Cooperative Robotics
Research Interests: Active vibration isolation Non-linear control system Robotics IoT based control system
Research Interests: Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids) Thermal treatment of organic solid wastes (Fluidized bed & Fixed bed Pyrolysis) Renewable energy & Energy efficiency Fluid Mechanics Waste to energy
Research Interests: Renewable Energy Biomass conversion Waste Management Heterogeneous catalysis
Research Interests: Transport in biomaterials Renewable energy Multiscale modeling approach Innovative drying technology
Research Interests:
Research Interests:


Associate Professor
Research Interests: Energy Engineering

Dr. Md. Abdul Kader

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Additive Manufacturing Composite Materials Finite Element Modelling Mechanical Metamaterials Biomedical Materials Nature-inspired Materials

Dr. Md. Abdur Rahim

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Strength of Materials > Laser Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement > Elastic and Thermal wave propagation in Solids > Renewable Energy > Pyrolysis

Dr. Md. Shazib Uddin

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Life cycle analysis (LCA) Energy:= Embodied energy, Modern energy, Energy security, Energy efficiency analysis Technology:= Research on Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Wind turbine, Super critical CO2 turbine, Pyrolysis, Biodiesel Climate change:= GHG Emission and Environmental Impact Assessment Advanced Research Tools Expertise:= ANSYS (Fluent), COMSOL, Python (Enthought Canopy, CoolProf, Spyder, Anaconda), SimaPro (LCA), Geographic Information System (GIS), SPSS (introductory), MatLab (Introductory)

Dr. Syed Mamun R Rasid

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Mechatronics Control Engineering Linear and Non-linear Control of flexible structures/Mechanical Systems MEMS System Dynamics and Control Theory

Md. Wahedul Islam

Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Tasnuva Tabashhum Choudhury

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Mechatronics, Mechanics, Solid mechanics, Material science

Abdul mojid parvej

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Amit Roy

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Tribology Thermally Sprayed Coatings (SPS, APS, HVOF) High Temperature Solid Lubricants Surface Engineering

Dr. Mahadi Hasan Masud

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biomimetics Inspired Vehicle Design Computational Fluid Dynamics Aerodynamics Hydrodynamics

Dr. Monjur Mourshed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Waste to Energy Conversion and Management Renewable Energy Storage and Management (biomass energy, alternative fuels, solar thermal energy) Hydrogen energy technologies (hydrogen fuel cells, electrolysers, hydrogen storage) Fuel cell and flow battery technologies

Jannatul Ferdous

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Energy Engineering

Md Saiful Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Occupational Health & Safety Sustainable Energy & Development Numerical and Experimental Acoustics Finite Element Modelling Model Testing

Md. Bakhtierkhalzi

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Composite Materials; Solid Oxide Fuel Cell; Heat and Mass Transfer; IC engines

Md. Golam Kibria

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Advanced Thermal Energy Storage Hybrid Nano Material PCM Heat Transfer Characteristic Hybrid Renewable Energy

Md. Mostafa Kamal

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Molecular Dynamics Bio Materials Composite Materials Porous Materials

Md. Nahid Hossan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Waste to energy Nanofluid Food drying

Md. Riaz Pervez

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Sanowar Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Renewable and sustainable energy Waste to energy Alternative fuel Engine performance and emission control Energy efficiency improvement Hydrogen Energy (Production/Storage)

Miftahul Mobin Chowdhury Shabdik

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Aerosol Science & Computational Fluid dynamics Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer Renewable Energy Technology Energy storage techniques & Solar thermal technologies Drying fundamentals & Technologies Hybridization of energy Numerical fluid flow and Thermo-fluid

Pronob Das

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Renewable energy and Energy management HVAC Gas Transmission Network Modeling Techno-economic life cycle assessment Clean energy technology

Sumaiya Sadika Tuly

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Alternative Fuels Solar Distillation Drying Technology Multiscale Modeling Approach

Asma Akhter

Research Interests:
Research Interests: Thermodynamics Molecular Dynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics

Easmin Sultana

Research Interests:


Research Interests:
Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics Waste to energy Food Drying
Research Interests: Aerodynamics Clean Energy Drying Technology Computational Fluid Dynamics
Research Interests: Structural Dynamics Biofuel Production Computational Fluid Dynamics Finite element analysis Vibration CAD in Mechanical Design Waste Management Solar Energy

Raihan Karal

Research Interests:
Research Interests: Control Systems Optimization Techniques Hybrid Renewable Energy Storage Systems

Soumya Mandal

Research Interests: Renewable Energy Laser Additive Manufacturing Laser Processing of Materials Electron Microscopy Nanomaterials

Research Interests:

Dr. Md. Mohibul Islam

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Development of MCGDM model, Application of Advanced Fuzzy Logic, Aggregate Production Planning, Operations Management, Risk and Uncertainty Management in SCM problems. System Optimization.

Dr. Md. Sanowar Hossain

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Modeling and Optimization of product and supply chain architecture Sustainability in product design and supply chain management Operations Management Operations Research Computation Algorithm

Dr. Shahed Mahmud

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Optimization Operations Research Operations Management Swarm and Evolutionary Algorithms Supply Chain Analytics

Khairun Nahar

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Block chain, Additive manufacturing, MCDM

Md. Ariful Islam

Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Asadujjaman, PhD

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Supply Chain Management Project Management Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics Operations Research Operations Management

Md Mashum Billal

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Renewable Energy Modeling and Optimization Operations Research Operations and Supply Chain Management Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Md. Ariful Haque

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Supply Chain Management, Waste Management, Production Management

Md. Rakibul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Hybrid Algorithm Optimization Forecasting Accuracy Robust Parameter Designing

Md. Rasel Sarkar

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Operations Management Quality Control Operations Research Probability & Statistics

Md. Sazol Ahmmed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence Inventory Management Metal Additive Manufacturing Operations Management

Md. Zahidul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Operations Research Machine Learning Data Analytics Optimization Under Uncertainty Supply Chain Management

Nusrath Zahan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Scheduling and Combinatorial Optimization Machine Learning Operations Research Project Management Additive Manufacturing


Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Advanced Manufacturing , Artificial Prosthesis Operating room scheduling IoT-based Circular Economy

Toukir Ahmed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Machine learning Additive Manufacturing Metallurgy Tribology Energy Engineering
Research Interests: Quality Control Waste Management Green Supply Chain
Research Interests: Operations Research Operations Management Sustainability and Green Manufacturing

Research Interests: Solar Cells TCO Thin films Electroceramics Waste Materials Recycling Nano Synthesis
Research Interests: Fatigue, Fretting Fatigue and Fracture of Materials Ceramic Coating and Thin films, Bio-ceramics, Surface Engineering

Dr. Md. Abdullah Al Mahmood

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Life cycle assessment Renewable energy utilization Advanced materials synthesis 3R (Reduce, Reuse, & Recycling) Circular economy

Aungkan sen

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Semiconductor 2D materials Energy Materials Characterization

Dr. Md. Rahat Al Hassan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nano-structured Ceramics Energy Storage Materials Strength of Materials Finite Element Modeling

Hasnat Jahan Sumona

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Glass Nano ceramics. Electronic ceramics.

Md. Abdul Kaiyum

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Thin Films Bio & Nano-materials

Md. Humayan Kabir

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Thin Films, Advanced Ceramics, Glass-Ceramic, Nano-materials

Md. Jahidul Haque

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Electronic Ceramics Nanotechnology Bio-ceramics Recycling of Materials

Md. Khairul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Electroceramics, Nanotechnology, Solid state chemistry

Md. Mintu Ali

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nanoparticle, Nanocomposite Thin Films & Coatings Recycling of Waste Materials

Mst. Esmotara Begum

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nanoparticle Nanocomposite Electronic materials Thin films

Mst. Sharmin Mostari

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Shamima Akhter Urmi

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Magnetic Ceramics Electronic Ceramics Nanotechnology

Tasmia Zaman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Research Interests: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Composites, Waste Recycling, Solid State Synthesis
Research Interests:

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

Dr. Sajal Kumar Das

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Control Theory and Application Nanopositioning Control Microgrid, Smart Grid, Renewable Energy Sources Integration, Future Power System Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Dip Kumar Saha

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Robust Fault Diagnosis of Rotary Machines, Remaining Useful Life Prediction, Soft Robotics, and Machine Learning

Md Manirul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Biomedical Engineering, Machine Learning, TinyML, Neural Networks.

Md. Faisal Rahman Badal

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Renewable Energy Power System Control Theory and Application Micro-grid and Smart-grid Mechatronic System Robotics

Md. Firoj Ali

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Smart Antenna Signal Processing Embedded System Soft Robotics

Md. Hafiz Ahamed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Machine Vision Artificial Intelligence Robotics Machine Learning Mechatronics System

Md. Mehedi Hasan

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Deep Learning Machine Learning Machine Vision

Md. Robiul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Mechatronic Systems Design , Robotics, Control System and Renewable Energy

Sarafat Hussain Abhi

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nanotechnology, Solid state Devices, Antenna, power system protection

Sumaya Ishrat Moyeen

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence Data mining and big data Web development Machine learning Image processing

Zinat Tasneem

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Soft Pneumatic Actuators Agricultural Robotics Robotic Harvesting Wind Energy Technologies

Md Zunaid Hossen

Research Interests: Mechatronics System Robotics Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Machine Vision
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Vision Mechatronics & Embedded Systems Geometric Deep Learning Robotics & Automation Control Theory and Application

Prangon Das

Research Interests: Automation and Control Machine Vision & AI Mechatronic Systems Renewable Energy Systems
Research Interests:
Research Interests: Control Theory and Application, Power System Control Fault Diagnosis, Mechatronics and Cyber-physical System


Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Ayeman Mazdi Nahin

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Multiferroic Ceramics Polymer Composites Life Cycle Assessment Nanoceramics Solder Alloys AZ Alloys

Dr. Md. Aminul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Energy Materials Ferroelectric Materials Renewable Energy Extractive Metallurgy Semiconductor Materials

Maliha Rahman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Functional Polymers, Biomedical Applications of Biopolymers, Composites, Biomaterials, Synthesis and characterization of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites

Md. Anisul Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Moumita Tasnim Meem

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nanocomposite Biocomposite Nanoparticles Polymer Structural Polymeric Materials

Pabitro Prosad Mondal

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Energy Materials, Nano Materials, Composite Materials

S. M. Nasim Rokon

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Thin film technology Intermetallics Aluminium alloys Nanomaterials

Umme Salma Mst. Mahmuda

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Research Interests:

Department of Chemical Engineering

Dr. Mohammad Nurur Rahman

Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Dr. Mohammad Nurur Rahman

Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Sajjad Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Food Drying Baking Technology Biodegradable packaging Post- harvest Technology

Pabitra Chandra Das

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Food Drying, Food Processing, Post-harvest technology, Food Analysis, Baking Technology

Sadia Sattar

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Modern food processing technology Post-harvest technology Food safety and toxicology Biodegradable packaging and waste management Utilization of green technology in food sector Process simulation and control

Sajib Dey

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Chemical Process Safety: Inherently Safer Process Design, Risk Assessment, Land Use Planning Waste Management, Biofuel & Biorefinery

Maisa Rahman

Research Interests: Water & Waste Water Treatment Renewable Bioenergy, Biofuel, Biodiesel Hydrothermal Treatments (HTC. HTL, HTC, SCWG) Adsorption, Biochar, Pyrolysis Industrial and Process Safety Drying, Extraction & Preservation Environmental Engineering


Research Interests:

Safat Anam

Research Interests: Ammonia production technology‚ Dsign & Synthesis of Catalyst‚ Adsorption‚ Process Design & Simulation

Department of Chemistry

Dr. Md. Abbas Ali

Research Interests: Stability and composition of fats in food products; Strategies to inhibit lipid oxidation; Impact of processing on bioactive phytochemicals; Food components, functional ingredients and their analysis; Quality development of foods by processing techniques; Chemical changes in foods upon heating and processing; Characterization of antioxidants in indigenous plants and agricultural wastes; Phytochemistry.
Research Interests: Synthesis, characterization and bio-activity of complex compounds containing nitrogen-sulfur donor ligands Biological activity and mesogenic behavior of nitrogen-oxygen Schiff bases and their complexes Crystallographic study of organic and coordination compounds
Research Interests: Transition metal complexes Organometallic chemistry Crystallography Catalyst and catalysis Biomass based-energy and fuel
Research Interests: Coordination Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
Research Interests: Materials Corrosion and Prevention Electrodeposition and Electroplating Energy conversion (battery and Fuel cell)
Research Interests: Single crystal analysis Computational Chemistry Molecular docking study ADMET investigation Linear and non-linear optical properties study Natural bond orbital (NBO) investigation FTIR, UV-Vis, NMR (1H and 13C), Mass and XRD studies of organic and inorganic compound Antioxidant and antimicrobial investigation of organic and inorganic compound

Aktarun Nahar

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Food Chemistry

Dr. Jewel Hossen

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Natural Products, Lipid Technology, Food Chemistry, Antioxidant Study Computational Chemistry Environmental Pollution Control Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cell Corrosion DFT Computation on Electrocatalytic Chlorine Evolution Reaction

Dr. Mst. Nahid Farha

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Analytical Chemistry Tropospheric Ozone Plant Science Environmental Chemistry

Md. Shamsul Alam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Natural products, Food chemistry, Study of antioxidant

Siddhartha Sankar Saha

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Solar cell, Ionic liquids, thin film

Sultana Razia

Research Interests: Heavy metal removal, Environmental chemistry

Department of Mathematics
Research Interests: Nonlinear Oscillations

Dr. Md. Alal Hosen

Research Interests: Nonlinear Dynamics Mathematical Modelling Nonlinear Oscillations
Research Interests:

Dr. Md. Feruj Alam

Research Interests: Complex Analysis
Research Interests: Nonlinear Oscillations
Research Interests:
Research Interests: Nonlinear Dynamics
Research Interests: Numerical Analysis, Fluid Dynamics

Dr. Ismot Ara Yeasmin

Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Md Suzan Ahamed

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Numerical Optimisation Gaussian Process Machine Learning

Md. Abdul Alim

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Perturbation Technique Nonlinear Differential Equation Fluid Dynamics Finite Elements Method Mathematical Modelling

Md. Abdur Razzak

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Fluid Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics Nonlinear Oscillations, Nonlinear Dynamics Numerical Analysis

Md. Dalim Haque

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Md. Nazmul Sharif

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nonlinear Oscillation Applied Mathematics Computational Mathematics

Md. Zahangir Alam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nonlinear Analysis, Numerical Analysis

Mst. Rupale Khatun

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Computational fluid dynamics

Tamanna Tasnim Prova

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Fuzzy Logic Artificial Intelligence Biomedical Engineering

Department of Physics
Research Interests: DFT-based Computational Condensed Physics AFM-based Biological and Optoelectronic Materials

Dr. Md. Nuruzzaman

Research Interests: Superconductivity, Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests:

Dr. Md. Johirul Islam

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Human Machine Interfacing Feature Engineering Embedded System Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Biomedical Instrumentation

Md. Abdul Hadi Shah

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Condensed Matter Physics Materials Science Thin Films

Al Momin Md. Tanveer Karim

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Materials Science Condensed Matter Physics Thin Films Fabrication-microstructure-property-performance relationship of functional materials

Md. Ariful Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nanostructure Optoelectronic and Photonics TCO Photovoltaic Materials Characterization

Md. Faruk Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Thin Films Nanomaterials Material Characterization Solar Cell Solar Energy Materials

Md. Jubair

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Condensed Matter Physics Materials Science

Md. Rahat Ali

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Nuclear Physics, Photonics

Md. Sarwar Pervez

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Thin Films First Principle Calculations Spintronics Material Characterization
Research Interests: Materials Science Magnetic Nanomaterials Nanoparticles Nanomaterials Synthesis

Department of Humanities
Research Interests: Sustainable Entrepreneurship Green HRM Corporate Social Responsibility Creating Shared Value Strategic Management Leadership
Research Interests: Finacial Reporting Practices of Private/Public Limited Companiess

Dr. Kaniz Fatema

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Financial & Export Perfomance of Bangaldesh Readymade Garments (RMG) Industries

Dr. Saila Ahmed

Associate Professor
Research Interests:


Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Applied Linguistics Linguistics TESOL

Ahsan Habib

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Postcolonialism, Literary Theories, Translation Studies, Feminism, Media Studies, among others.

Md Sayeed Anwar

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Applied Linguistics Linguistics

Md. Golam Mostakim

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Mohammad Didar Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Aging (Productive Aging, Social Isolation, Mental Health, Support System, Institutional Care) Human Rights, Democracy, Social Policy, Advocacy Voluntarism, Community Engagement, Capacity Building

Mohammad Harun Or Rashid

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Applied Linguistics Digital Humanities Translation and Interpreting Studies Computational Text Analysis Comparative Literature

Monira Parvin Kona

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: climate change adaptation, natural disaster, agricultural system, and gender gap

Mst. Mitu Pervin

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Shoaib Islam

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: HRM Industrial Relation Industrial Management

Tahmina Khatun

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Research Interests: